Contact The Speaking Coach


    Speaking Coach – Arnold Sanow

    2810 Glade Vale Way
    Vienna, VA 22181

    Phone: 703-255-3133
    Cell: 703-869-1881
    Fax: 703-255-4668

    "Based on comments and a review of the overall conference evaluations, it was a success. Arnold was a hit!! His scores are the highest of anyone who spoke at the conference."

    - Stewart Shaw, Vice President Heery International

    "Hands down, I will tell you that your seminar was one of the best I have ever attended. Maybe even the best!"

    - Annie Davis, President Alliance of Professional Nanny Agencies

    “Arnold was excellent. In fact, his audience size grew substantially on his second day which makes me assume people were talking.”

    - Heather Mathews, Meeting Planner, American Bus Association