Winning Presentation Skills

Put Power, Punch and Pizzazz into Your Presentations

Presentation Skills

Enroll your team in a half or full-day presentation course for tips and training on how to speak well.

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Learn the qualities of a great speech from one who has given over 2,500 presentations.

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1 to 1 Coaching

Get the undivided attention and insight of the Speaking Coach and become a master speaker.

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"Based on comments and a review of the overall conference evaluations, it was a success. Arnold was a hit!! His scores are the highest of anyone who spoke at the conference."

- Stewart Shaw, Vice President Heery International

"Hands down, I will tell you that your seminar was one of the best I have ever attended. Maybe even the best!"

- Annie Davis, President Alliance of Professional Nanny Agencies

“Arnold was excellent. In fact, his audience size grew substantially on his second day which makes me assume people were talking.”

- Heather Mathews, Meeting Planner, American Bus Association

Contact Us

10 Reasons to Book a Presentation Skills Training/Coaching Session with Arnold

  1. You want to captivate, energize and keep your listeners awake
  2. You want to persuade, motivate and influence others
  3. You want to eliminate ‘speakers anxiety’ and develop comfort and confidence
  4. You want to project poise, power and professionalism
  5. You want to boost your credibility, image and personal presence
  6. You want to get your message across in a clear and concise manner
  7. You want to close more sales, win more proposals, get more referrals, sell your ideas
  8. You want to boost your credibility, likability, trust, respect and status
  9. You want to connect and build instant rapport with ease
  10. You want to get on the fast track for better jobs, more sales, business opportunities, political options, social interactions and more…

Whether you speak to one person or 1,000, getting your message across in a clear and concise manner is essential to your success. My comprehensive presentation skills sessions provide you with proven tips, tools and the solutions you “must have” to design, develop and deliver powerful presentations.

If you admire and envy those who seem to make presentations with ease and confidence, and find yourself wanting to enhance your skills to persuade, motivate and influence and hold the attention of one person or one hundred, my tailored sessions are for you.